Saturday, October 17, 2009


I could finally say I am happy for once.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

This is all too strange.

It has been too long since I have been here. It is as if I have almost forgotten what it was like to post and pour my thoughts out. I am officially done with school. A part of me is glad that it is finally over, but another part wished it still went on because it kept me sane. It gave me something to do. Now, I just feel very useless and tiresome all the time for the amount of sleep I've had for the past two days. I feel very sluggish, and that is not the best feeling in the world. I heard from my grandma a while back that if you sleep too much that you will get sick, so I try my best to resist the temptation of sleep, but in the end sleep wins. To be quite frank, I believe my grandma is telling the truth. I feel like a huge pile of dung after every sleep I get and I absolutely hate it! I know for a fact that my sleeping habit will only worsen. There are times when I do want to go to the doctor to get it checked out, but eh... The doctor can wait, right? I hope so. Well at least I've got work still to keep me a little sane. Maybe I should get another job to fill in the gaps of when I had school. Man, this is a very boring post. I'm sorry. I am really in no mood to write a happy cheery blog at this moment for it doesn't reflect what my mood is right now. To be honest, my mood is just very empty right now. I will post again when I start to feel a bit more chipper.


Sunday, May 17, 2009

Rumbly in the ground.

Today was a pretty relaxed day. I just sat around and watched the Lakers game. Guess who won between the Lakers and the Rockets?! LAKERS of course! Now they're off to the next round with the Nuggets. :) After the game had ended, my sister and I were in such desire for some frozen yogurt! It has been too long since we've had it, and when we got i. I splurged. It was so delicious! We went to Heaven's Delight, which I may say, is one of the best frozen yogurt places out there. Their yogurts are so creamy and delicious! I got the taro, vanilla, and a hint of peach to try with some bits of jack fruit and mochi. My all- time favorite topping. :D I must say that the peach was not bad at all. Next time I go, I'll be sure to get more than just a spoonful of it. Who wants to join me? Anyhow, after my sister and I got our cravings satisfied, we went home because I needed to get ready to go to the gym with Eden. By this time, it was already around 8:30 and we planned to meet up at 9.A pretty funny thing happened between the minutes of 8:30- 9:00. What was that you asked? An earthquake happened. It was probably one of the bigger ones than we're used to. Now I'm not the type to get freaked out by it since I've been in earthquakes many times before, but my reaction this time around was an "OH MY GOSH! WHAT DO I DO?!" First thing I did while the earthquake was going on? I opened my sister's door. It was just so hilarious because she was just sitting on the floor minding her own business and she was surprised at how frightened I was. I honestly had no intentions of getting all freaked out, but I did. I called out loud downstairs to see if my mom and grandma were okay. All of a sudden I was all shaken up by it, but no one knew that. Hehe now at this point, it was time to meet up Eden at the gym, but both my grandma and mom refused to let me go. I tried to contact Eden through text and call, but nothing. I didn't know what I was going to do if the messages were not sent on time. Well a few minutes pass and I finally get a text from Eden asking if we were still going and how the whole situation with the earthquake has made my family say no. She experienced the same problem with her dad, so we ended up not going to the gym. At some point I was happy, but also sad because we haven't worked out in so long and I was seriously starting to feel like an Oompa Loompa. :( Since I didn't get to go to the gym, instead I went online and browsed for some random sites and some random music. I found some pretty good ones. I've just encountered Bat for Lashes, and let me tell you, she's a total cutie and she's got some wonderful set of pipes. Anyhow, while I was on the computer, I hear this loud "BOOM". What was it? A car accident that happened right in front of out house. I say today was a pretty good day, no? Man, school is ending in a week, and I am very ecstatic! I wish it ended this week, though. I'm seriously done with my classes. Well maybe once the semester is over I can blog a bit more, aye? ;)


Saturday, May 16, 2009

Bubbles and Things.

So today, Kim and I decided to venture off and start our day to OCC to pick up a camera since I've got an assignment to do that's due Monday. Hehe I know, I am a total slacker. Afterwards, we came up with a brilliant idea. One we haven't done in a very long time. SHOPPING! On our way over, we were discussing about which shopping place to go to and how we didn't want to spend a numerous amount of money on one piece of clothing that you can buy for the price of two things. Well all that changed when we arrived to a certain shopping destination. Right when we walked into the doors of Foreign Exchange, I knew we were in trouble. We admired practically everything in there, but nothing stood out more to me than these two absolutely adorable skirts! They screamed SUMMER, and I really could not resist. In my mind, I was drooling with pleasure and was already trying to figure out what shirts I should wear with them and when I should wear them. I am still gaga over the skirts to this minute. : > As for Kim, she's such a hooch. She bought a skirt that's absolutely cute and short. One I picked for her. ;) (You're welcome, Kim.) She also bought I believe a dress. It was either a dress or a uni but with shorts. Still very nice. We are certainly ready for summer. I will tell you that much. Anyhow, after our shopping excitement, we were back in the car. Heading to who knows where. It's how we roll. We drive around figuring out what to do next until we think of what we need or of a place we just want to go and look around. We decided to go to WalMart. Why? Just because we could and we did, too. Hehe Plus, I wanted to buy another car scent for my car because I thought I was going to run out, but then I ended up not buying it because I was too tired to wait in line. Instead, we walked around WalMart for a bit and Kim noticed these bubble wands. At this point, my excitement level, and I am pretty sure hers too, went up like no other. I've been desperately trying to tell her that we should have a bubble party AND a water party, but it ended up never happening. Maybe in the summer, though. Right Kim? ;) Ehehe But yeah, we didn't end up getting the wands right away. Instead we put it aside and decided to look around some more. Until... dun dun dun!!! We reached an aisle full of bubble shindigs! Of course we couldn't resist the low low price of bubbles, so we decided to buy some! I was extremely filled with joy. You have no idea. I was shrieking quietly to myself, and really wanted to blow bubbles right then and there. Kim bought this party pack for four bucks and two wands for a dollar each. Not bad for bubbles, aye? Once we've checked out, we were trying to figure out where to go to enjoy our bubble- blowing fest. First we picked the beach, but it was too far and we really wanted to blow the bubbles or we seriously were going to burst. We ended up going to a park. I swear we looked like creepers with our bubble wand and mini bubble bottles. We were really trying to attract the little kiddies. ;) Once we took our first blows, it was pure magic. I really had this sort of happiness coming over me. I was at last one with those enormous bubbles. I seriously felt like I was at peace, and nothing in the world mattered at that point. I felt like a kid again. After some huffs and puffs and twirls, I was starting to get very light- headed, so unfortunately I had to stop. It was amazing for the time being. Since we were at the park and I no longer could blow the adorable little floating circles I decided to go on the swings. My second favorite thing in the world. When we got enough of fun blowing bubbles and swinging on swings, we were starving and went to a BBQ place we wanted to try. It was pretty interesting since it was ran by two Korean people, or so I think it's their place. It wasn't too bad. I got the pulled BBQ pork sandwich and Kim got the ribs. It was just funny because the lady had a very thick accent and she was telling us about the menu and the pictures that goes with the menu. It was absolutely hard to understand what she was saying. In the end, my stomach was satisfied, my mood was satisfied, and I could say I honestly had one of the best times of my life today. Thank you, Kim, for sharing it with me. :)

P.S. Now I wish I had brought some film to take pictures of this very special day. :/ next time, though. :)
